
NAV 2013R2 Page open Error

WitchesWitches Member Posts: 4
edited 2015-07-29 in NAV Three Tier

We created two tables Haeder and Lines with complecated primary key on Header "No.,VAT Posting Type,VAT Invoice Type" (for Lines added "LineNo"). "VAT Posting Type" datatype is option and have two value "Purchase,Sale". We created 2 sets of page for Purchase and Sales separately. For Sales pages (List and Document for Header table) we set SourceTableView properti to "SORTING(No.,VAT Posting Type,VAT Invoice Type) ORDER(Ascending) WHERE(Status=FILTER(Open),VAT Posting Type=CONST(Sale))". For Purchase pages the same exept last value is "Purchase". Purchase pages works fine, but when we press "New" action in list page for Sale we have this error


But it only if there isn't any record with "VAT Posting Type"="VAT Posting Type"::Sale.

We try to set value "VAT Posting Type" to "Sale" OnInit and OnNew and OnOpen triggers for Document page and it's doesn't work. And frankly we doesn't have any ideas.

Does anybody have the same problem or know how it can be fixed?

Thanks in advance!
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